In today’s world where global warming is rapidly increasing, parallel projects are being carried out in order to meet the increasing energy need.

For countries with high agricultural potential, this has made the situation advantageous; Bioethanol, Biogas and Biodiesel (Biodiesel) have created new opportunities. Biomass energy, which is one of the renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydraulic energy, hydrogen energy and geothermal energy, has great potential.

Biomass energy, a renewable energy source that can be grown anywhere, as long as natural conditions allow, can be developed everywhere, provides socio-economic development, provides waste assessment, can be transformed into different forms of energy. biometallization, biophotolysis, fermentation, pyrolysis, gasification, carbonization, esterification methods such as carbon and hydrogen-rich, high thermal value, easily transportable and stored, can be converted to alternative energy.

As the biomass raw materials, forest products, oil seeds, carbohydrates, fiber plants, vegetable residues and wastes, animal wastes, urban and industrial wastes are considered to be of great magnitude. 150 billion tons of biomass is produced in nature every year, only 10% of this large amount is commercially recycled.

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